We stock tea leaves and Japanese tea ceremony utensils. In the world of...
What is Onomichi tax-free ?
When foreign tourists do some shopping in Japan, they pay a sales tax on the purchase except for a tax-free shop. Onomichi tax-free shopping is available to foreign tourists only at licensed stores having a flag “TAX-FREE ” at Onomichi Hondori Shotengai. When they purchase the goods there under certain conditions, they can receive cashback for the consumption tax at Yamato Refund Counter. Accommodation tax, consumption tax for meals at restaurant, transportation and non-licensed stores are excluded. It’s a very good deal of some souvenirs! Have a more fulfilling journey in Japan.
Conditions of the exemption
・Items required to get tax refunded, bring the purchased goods bought at tax-free shops, the receipts and your passport.
・Persons eligible for tax-free purchases
①Non-residents (non-Japanese individuals who have been in Japan less than 6 months)
②Japanese individuals residing overseas
In order to apply for tax refund, you have to buy general goods or consumables at the stores having “tax-free” flags
・Purchase conditions for tax-free
General goods|Only general goods not including consumables.Total purchase amount in one day at tax-free shops should be 5000 yen or more (excluding tax)
Consumables | Only general goods not including general goods.Total purchase amount in one day at tax-free shops should be between 5000 yen and 500000 yen (excluding tax)
For tax refund, the names on your passport, receipt(s) and credit card must match. You can claim tax refund only for items purchased on the same day. You cannot combine purchases made on other days. Tax-refunded goods must be taken out of Japan in specified period of time.
General goods | Within 6 months from the date of entry in Japan
Consumables | Within 30 days of purchase
Until you leave Japan, do not open the designated bag in which consumables are placed when you claim tax refund. If the bag is opened, you may be taxed at departure.
shopping map
I think myself a sommelier of medicine. Not only selling drugs but also...
We have been selling sporting and athletic goods since Showa era. Most of...
Our best selling is dried fishes such as dried sea eel. Also beans...
There are many festivals in Onomichi. In winter, Betcha Festival (to protect residents...
We have been selling Japanese cutting tools such as blades and knives since 1919...
A cosmetic store is like the counseling room for women. At IHARA...
Jewel written in Japanese means precious stone. It is not matter whether...
Onomichi canvas (hand in Japanese) used to be used for a sail of...
帆船やテントに使われる帆布(はんぷ)という生地ででき たバッグや小物を製造・販売して います。帆布の特徴は何と言っても丈夫なことと、使うほどに風合いが変化することで す。生地は尾道水道の向こう側にある工場から仕入 れており、商品の開発、デザイン、縫 製、そして販売まで全てお店のスタッフが手がけています。自分が作ったものが人気商品 になると、大きな喜びがありますね。 私たちが...
「良いもの」をお届けしたいという想いで、創業以来オーダースーツやブランドの洋服を 中心に取り扱ってきました。とはいえ、特別な時だけに限らず、いつでも気軽に...
コーヒー豆は世界中から取り寄せており、全て尾道の山側、三成の自社工場で焙煎しています。モーニング の時間帯は、地元の方はもちろん、海外からのお客様も来られます。喜ばれるのはオーソドックスなトース トや...
「尾道銘菓や尾道ラーメンなどの特産品はもちろん、ちょうちんや絵葉書などの民芸雑貨 を たくさん取り揃えています。おすすめは和製ハンカチとも言える手ぬぐいです。尾道市立大学の芸術を専攻する学生さんたち...